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Seems like way too long ago to be real but I so clearly recall that very windy day in Coronado, California. It was wonderful having my family and friends there. Just wish my Dad, who always called me his "Little Admiral" had been there (he'd passed away in 1993) and his presence represented by an empty chair with a single rose placed in the seat, next to my Mom.
My Work:
This was my first attempt (decades ago) at making my own video scrapbook ... not the best, but I tried. I wonder what kind of video I could create with those picture today, with all the new techy stuff.
Worked jointly with the Marines, Air Force, Navy, some local Icelander, and even some Norwegian flight crews over my two years. Even was qualified to be a flight photograph on the F-15. That hypobaric chamber training.. Oh the stories I could write
The next video could offend those that didn't, at one time or another in their lives, get with friends and have one of those crazy parties of drinking and singing, In Iceland, it happened at least a few times a week during the two years I was there. Think about it, for about a month, August as I recall, there was 24 hours of sunlight. The Sun would set and rise but it never got dark, twilight was the best you could hope for. The Winters, the opposite, a few hours of twilight and hour or two of seeing the sun was all you had. That could make anyone want a drink or two.
In 1986, those Video Camcorders had just hit the markets. We had one, we used it. We made Room #211 infamous for the best party room on base. We all pulled our Alcohol Ration Cards together to ensure the room was stocked with anything someone could ask for. Those parties brought all types of folks on base together. Some were single, some married, some in their teens and others in their 40's. Dare I say, the phrase 'PC" had not been coined, phones had cords, and WE ALL got along. Our guests were of all races, sexes, and religions, even some one from Cleveland joined in... yep, we turned no one away. I don't even think "African-American", "Mexican-American" were used yet and to be honest, why would that cross our minds. We were Military or the dependents of. We were all brothers and sisters all, no matter what happened to us, we had each others back.
So I had to provide you this view into my early years. This is the first video known to exist of Ras. My parents took some still pictures but no mov'n pictures as I grew up. If the actions of my friends or myself do offend you from 33 years ago, I'm sorry but do read John 8:7 before getting too upset
Rated PG-13
In this video you get to witness Karoke and Lip Syncing before they were popular. I miss those friends and I miss Iceland. If you watch anything, might I recommend you fast forward to 15:25. We might of been the Three Amigos but we also "Blues Brothers" thru and thru.
P.S. I still have most of the photos and posters on the walls, the beads, the Smoking Jacket (I idolized "Hawkeye" from "Mash"), and those in incredible sheep skins... 30+ years late
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